Tag Archives: france

Countries That Are Rioting Against The Government.

1 Feb

More than 32 countries world wide are protesting against their own government.
Algeria, Tunisia, Greece, Ecuador, England, Yemen, Egypt, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia and Cyprus, Portugal, Austria, Ethiopia, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Hungary, Ukraine, Kenya, Turkey, Russia, Jordan, Bolivia, New Delhi, Bulgaria, Moldova, Thailand, Cambodia, Australia, Kosovo, Morocco, and the list goes on and on.

Riots, Protests, Demonstrations, and Militias are being held and assembled. All these countries know that something is not right. These are some of the same problems we are all facing. Or soon will be facing.

There are many countries that are experiencing the same problems as this and are doing nothing about it. What will send these countries to the streets? Does the U.S. Have what it takes to defend our nation? Does Mexico have the strength to drive out the crooked political and cartels?

Countries that should be protesting and overthrowing their government.
Ireland, United States, Mexico, Libya, Wales, Uganda, Syria, and………….

I think in order for some of these people and countries to stand up. They will have to see their friends starving or be starving themselves. Also when they can’t drive their thirty thousand dollar car because their is no gas or its 100$ a gallon. Then they will wake up. When neighborhoods have to form militias to protect their houses and families eyes will be opened.

Here are some countries at war within themselves!

Jerusalem, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea, China, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan,

Some of these are countries experiencing a double war. Two wars at the same time. While fighting amongst themselves, they are at war with another country. And to go even deeper. A country like Afghanistan has a war between the people, A war between the people and insurgents or extremists, and a war against the United States. Talk about a war ravaged country.

World War III (3) is here. It is the people versus the government. It is the globe vs the globalists. We need to come together as a world protest against Tyranny. To save each sovereign nation.

Freedom Writer.

Freedom Writer.

Countries That Are Rioting Against The Government.

1 Feb

More than 32 countries world wide are protesting against their own government.
Algeria, Tunisia, Greece, Ecuador, England, Yemen, Egypt, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Lithuania, Latvia and Cyprus, Portugal, Austria, Ethiopia, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Hungary, Ukraine, Kenya, Turkey, Russia, Jordan, Bolivia, New Delhi, Bulgaria, Moldova, Thailand, Cambodia, Australia, Kosovo, Morocco, and the list goes on and on.

Riots, Protests, Demonstrations, and Militias are being held and assembled. All these countries know that something is not right. These are some of the same problems we are all facing. Or soon will be facing.

There are many countries that are experiencing the same problems as this and are doing nothing about it. What will send these countries to the streets? Does the U.S. Have what it takes to defend our nation? Does Mexico have the strength to drive out the crooked political and cartels?

Countries that should be protesting and overthrowing their government.
Ireland, United States, Mexico, Libya, Wales, Uganda, Syria, and………….

I think in order for some of these people and countries to stand up. They will have to see their friends starving or be starving themselves. Also when they can’t drive their thirty thousand dollar car because their is no gas or its 100$ a gallon. Then they will wake up. When neighborhoods have to form militias to protect their houses and families eyes will be opened.

Here are some countries at war within themselves!

Jerusalem, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Korea, China, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan,

Some of these are countries experiencing a double war. Two wars at the same time. While fighting amongst themselves, they are at war with another country. And to go even deeper. A country like Afghanistan has a war between the people, A war between the people and insurgents or extremists, and a war against the United States. Talk about a war ravaged country.

World War III (3) is here. It is the people versus the government. It is the globe vs the globalists. We need to come together as a world protest against Tyranny. To save each sovereign nation.

Freedom Writer.


20 Oct

Take a look at France actually get a good look. This is where we are headed if change does not come soon. The people are rising against there tyrants. They said enough is enough!

Can we learn from them? Maybe they know more than we do? What about us? The United States and many other countries are at crossroads about to cross over to a revolution.

Civil unrest almost seems emanate. With the electing of a man who promised change and did not deliver. A President who promised he was for the little guy and against the Banksters, and against a Government ran by and for the lobbyist.(Ha yeah right)

He blatantly lied to us the people, and most do not even know or acknowledge this. With two more years of this ahead I hope people begin to start waking up. With books, websites, documentaries, and even full length features making what is really going on in the world more known. People have no excuse not to look and find out.

You and I owe it to George and Benjamin. We owe it to our children and our childrens children. Future generations deserve the right to be free people in a free land. Just as we once were.

Our freedoms are being stripped and most just sit back and say “well if it makes us safer.” Well I say Enough! My constitutional rights are just that rights. Everyone needs to read the Bill Of Rights again. Regain that feeling of what our Founding Fathers fought for. Can we just let them take what they worked so hard to achieve?

When I looked over the Constitution again. When I did my hair stood up. I also got a rush of adrenaline and satisfaction. I knew I had to do something. I just couldn’t sit there. That’s why I started this Webpage/blog/news and why I plan to run for Alderman in 2013.

Freedom Writer.
